Bulk Reporting

Bulk Reporting with WooRank

WooRank’s bulk reporting option provides outbound sales and marketing teams with the website’s SEO score and data available in our free SEO audits. This data can be customized to include whichever data points are most relevant to your team.

Run bulk reports to fit any need:

  • Evaluate keyword use
  • Technical and on-page errors
  • Backlink profile analysis
  • Side-by-side competitor analysis

How bulk reporting works

WooRank’s bulk reporting works like this:

  • You decide what data you want and what format you want it in. You can receive your bulk reporting data as a CSV, JSON or both.
  • You submit your list of URLs as a CSV.
  • You receive your WooRank data.

Bulk reporting is supported only for a website’s root domain (example.com, not example.com/about or example.com/category/product).

If we encounter an error while attempting reviewing a submitted URL, we will retry once to access it. If the second attempt fails, the bulk report will not include any data for that URL.

Please allow up to a week for bulk URL processing.

Bulk reporting is perfect for...

WooRank offers multiple customized options for anyone who needs to generate website data or reports for a large number of websites. Our bulk reporting and API solutions are perfect for:

  • Outbound marketing teams
  • Leadgen and sales departments
  • Independent brokers and agents
  • Web development and digital marketing agencies
  • SEO consultants looking to automate the audit process

Let’s Chat

Interested in WooRank’s bulk reporting? Need to audit a lot of websites at once? We have the solution to fit your need.

To get started, drop us a line at commercial@woorank.com outlining your needs and goals. We’ll find the solution that best fits your situation.

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